
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Day In The Bubble

Oh just some random things I had going on yesterday.

1. Artemis decided that I did not buy a large enough kitty litter pan so she pushed scooped scraped used a wand to magically get all of her litter out of the pan and onto the bathroom floor. Bonus: She waited until she finished her morning business so it was like walking through a horrible poop landmine room to get a towel in the morning.

2. I have planted and then quickly murdered quite a few different varieties of plants in my little planter on my porch. The ones in there now are all shriveled and dead, but with all this rain I've started to notice a few green little seedlings coming up and they actually look really hearty and healthy. I have no idea what they could be, literally anything from flowers to herbs so I'm pretty excited to see what blooms. My luck it will be poison ivy or something.

3.My Gyno. ( fun side note: spell check doesn't accept "gyno" and instead offers to change it to gyro.... like the sandwich HA! made me giggle, not even going to lie on that one) called me the Friday before last to cancel my Monday 18th appointment and asked me to call this week to biggie. I called them today and the receptionist said that there was no record of anyone calling me or that anyone was even scheduled for that day. I had to explain over and over while convincing her of the whole thing. Do people lie about Gynecologists re-scheduling a lot? Is this some sort of weird trend to get seen sooner?  What reason in the world would I have to make that up? It's not like I'm going to Disneyland here....I'm not happy to see you guys any more than you are to see me, I promise you. 

4. Late last night I was laying on the couch watching t.v. and Artemis jumped up on the back of it which coincidentally is right in front of our windows. Junior was outside and must have finally noticed her and felt it was in his duty to protect me. So out of nowhere everything is nice and peaceful and then I have a dog clawing and snarling at my window like a rabid wolf. If that wasn't enough to make me almost pee myself it freaked out Artemis so much that she flew from the couch, but not before sinking her claws into my leg. Awesome. Needless to say the outside dog and the inside cat will not be introduced any time soon.

5. I found this video on Pinterest and I laughed during the whole thing, I love it. I showed it to Hubs and watched it again another two times. It just makes me smile.

Well there it is. Hope you guys are having a great hump day ( tee hee )

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dessert Pineapple Kabobs

OOHHH YYEEAAHH Kabobs are what's for dinner! BAM! 

I thought about posting a recipe for chicken kabobs, but then I realized that it would be the most pointless recipe ever...excluding THIS recipe for ice cubes. First cut chicken, veggies, and pineapples into chunks, then skewer them, grill them, and eat them.

Most people know how to grill kabobs, but what you might not know how to do is grill dessert pineapple. It is amazing people. It's very light, and flavorful plus it has just the right amount of a savory/sweet combination to make people lick their plates clean ( or sticks) ( wait...pretend I didn't say that). I definitely recommend it.

* Pineapple Chunks ( we bought the packages that are fresh cut in the produce section, but I'm sure from a can would be just as good)
* 1 Cup of Brown Sugar
* 1 1/2 Tablespoons of Ground Cinnamon

Add the brown sugar and the cinnamon together in a bowl and whisk them until they are combined. Take the pineapple chunks and coat them heavily in the mixture. We didn't coat ours completely and we were very sorry that we didn't. Get your grill going to about 275 degrees and let those puppies cook for about 25 minutes (we like to grill slowly and let all those flavors really cook together). When the time is up pull them off the grill and enjoy the sugar/cinnamon fruity amazing-ness.

Speaking of food, in case your mind was going blank over what to cook, here are a few recipes that I've found mainly on Pinterest and actually tested out. Most are surprisingly easy and they are all delicious. Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mother Truckin' Call of Duty

My Hubby is 26 years old, and he is a big time man's man....I'm pretty sure you can drop him anywhere on earth with just a pocket knife and pick him up a month later at the log home he built with his bare hands. He is a guy's guy, he also plays Call of Duty or whatever the name is now....Modern Warfare, Zombie Something, Guaranteed to Annoy your wife v.3...I'm not sure. I don't really mind him playing because he usually waits until the baby is sleeping and there's nothing else to do in the house, and he bought these AMAZING headphones that cancel the noise out of the game completely. The only thing I hear is him talking which I can live with.

However a few nights ago my brother spent the night with us, and they played together. The only problem was that he only has one set of headphones so he decided not to use them.

Holy War Zone Batman

I forgot how much noise that game produced. There is gunfire, explosions, other players, the video game speaking, and of course their reactions to it all. I sat there staring at the computer trying to write a blog post and thinking about throwing the breaker to the house when I came up with this list:

The Top 5 Things To Do When Your Guy is Playing COD

1. Take this opportunity to give your kid a history lesson about how crappy war is. There are loud noises, lots of casualties ( might want to edit this for the little ones) and frustrated, angry women.

2. Every time the word " shot " is uttered eat one Oreo.

3. Make him put a dollar into a jar every time he curses ( my hubby doesn't curse...and when he plays this game he does, I think there's something in the water or maybe I should say controller). Use the money to buy you something nice tomorrow....maybe some earplugs, just a suggestion.

4. Before your guy starts playing set the sleep timer on the t.v. for random time increments. Make popcorn and watch the magic happen.

5. If he has a microphone on ( fun tip: they are super sensitive and pick up every noise) feel free to ask very loudly if he remembered to pick up your tampons from the store on his way home. Another route would be asking about his hemorrhoid cream...feel free to be creative on this one.

There ya go! Remember if all else fails you are free to visit my blog and rant about it. I'm here to listen, in fact we can start a support group. We'll meet on Tuesdays, I'll bring the cupcakes.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

This is us.

This is my girl.
She is 6 1/2 months old. She has a possible milk allergy so she drinks soy formula. She loves pureed food, and has one tiny tooth barely poking through her top gums. She isn't speaking yet, or crawling but she can roll over like a champ. She loves car rides and her jungle swing. She is my whole world and I don't know where my life would be without her. 

This is my Hubby
We have been dating for 10 years this October, and have been married 4 years this October. He is tall, about 6"4 and he runs a summer camp. He likes outdoor stuff like hunting and fishing, he was state president in the South Carolina FFA, and he also played a little football, did a little boxing, and he loves classic rock. We are happily married ladies so don't get any ideas! ; ) 

These are my lovies
The first is Junior. My Hubby has only had him for about five years and he loves that dog with all of his heart. We couldn't get him to eat much for a really, really long time but he's finally putting weight on now. He does not normally look like Harry Potter...I was bored one afternoon. The second is Artemis and she is my our new kitten.She is the most loving kitten I have ever seen. The third is corndog. She is a mess and a half. She is super sweet and playful, though she has a problem visiting our neighborhood looking for new furry friends to play with.

This is us
 This was actually at Thanksgiving. I am 25 years old. I was born in Louisiana, grew up in the upstate of South Carolina. I now live on the coast in South Carolina. I love blogging, reading, sewing, spending an unhealthy amount of time on Pinterest and watching some housewives trash tv on Bravo. I listen to all types of music but I stick mostly to country. I have a HUGE fear of heights and I am a total mama lionness. I am a christian and I believe in God. I was in JROTC in high school, Chapter President in the FFA, and bullied through most of middle school. I love animals and at one time wanted to be a vet..then a I'm happy just being a mommy, oh and I work at a tool store. I am a HUGE fan of LSU football. 

Well, there it is. I felt that it was time to introduce myself and the rest of my family. I also wanted to take time and say thank you to everyone who visits my site, comments on my posts, joins the site, and supports me. We are up to 10 members and 3,400 page views!!!!! I cannot thank you enough!!! I hope you guys have an awesome, relaxing Sunday.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Fortune Cookie Thinks I'm Pregnant

My fortune cookie thinks I'm pregnant....stay with me here. 

My Hubby, Brother and I ate dinner at a AWESOME Chinese place last night. We were enjoying the last part of our meal when the fortune cookies came. We all grabbed our cookies and my Brother and I opened ours immediately. Hubby was finishing up his food because he is the slowest eater in the whole world so he hadn't opened his. 

I cracked the little cookie which of course split into a million pieces and read my fortune...

" Now is the time to call loved ones at a distance. Share your news."

I immediately pointed out that my fortune cookie said we should share our news, and Hubby cracked up and asked just exactly what kind of news should we be sharing. I assured everyone at the table that I was not pregnant nor switching jobs or moving, and we went on about our conversation. 

Hubby finally finished his meal, and opened up his cookie only to find the same friggen fortune. My Brother of course thought this was hilarious, I was glaring at the cookies and Hubby looked suspicious. I repeated again that I was NOT pregnant and we left the the way I'm pregnant. HA! Just kidding, but how funny would that be if I was ( which I am not, I pinkie promise you). Nothing big is happening here in this take that back. My steam mop broke and we may be in the market for a new one, guess I've gotta go tell my Grandma now.

Friday, February 22, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Roundup


1. Thrifty Hurricane Tutorial by Two Twenty One
OK when I saw this I fell in love. It is so simple, so easy, and it fits in perfectly with my other Patty's Day decorations.

 2. Shamrock Banner by The Blakes
She doesn't really have a tutorial on how to make this, but she says that she basically cut everything out and hot glued it all together. Seem easy enough, and I love the way the book pages balance out the color so everything isn't overwhelmingly green. By the way, if you do not have a book you want to cut up just hit up Goodwill and pick one up...think of it as breathing new life into something just sitting on a shelf.

3. Ribbon Topiary by Made With These Here Two Hands
I love how cute this looks, and her directions make it seem really easy to make so I'm excited about trying this out out. I love the touches of gold on the bottom too!


1.  Eighteen 25
I told you guys this chick was awesome. I love the wording of this one.

2. Project Inspire
I love how beautiful this one looks. You've got to love how awesome this Irish blessings looks

3. Funky Polkadot Giraffe
I adore the fonts she used for this one, it looks sooooo good! She also is really talented so be sure to check her out.

 4. Blooming Homestead
This isn't your typical subway art, but I love how pretty it looks! She also has a few other St.Patrick's day designs on her site so be sure to check it out!


 1. St.Patty's Day Felt Wreath by The Adeventures of Mini-Martha
I think this one is a tiny bit time consuming, but overall super easy, and super cute!

2. St. Patty's Rag Wreath by The Magic of Ordinary Things
I love how this one can be made using scraps that otherwise you might just have thrown out. I also love how she used a dark ribbon to pull all those colors together.

3. St. Patrick's Day Wreath by Sugar and Shimmer
I love this easy idea, but I think if I do decide to try this wreath I'm going to add something in the middle. Maybe a small banner or our initials. 

Well there ya go! Lots of ideas to get your St.Patty's day motor running. I'm going to start getting my decorations together this weekend and make my wreath, I'm not sure which one yet...I plan on going into the dollar tree and seeing what jumps out at me. Hope your weekend is an awesome one!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Date that you have a baby

Just because you have a little one doesn't mean that you can't have any fun together. Here is a list of some date night ideas you can try baby sitter required! Just be sure to schedule it nowhere near bedtime, trust me on that one.

1. Have dinner at home and head out to your local video game arcade at the mall or if you're super lucky...a fair. This is a great idea because there's already lots of noise and the baby will be amazed at all the lights and sounds. Be sure to bring the stroller so you and Hubby can have your hands free to challenge each other in Skee-ball. When you're finished head to your local ice cream shop for a quick treat before heading home. If baby is in a great mood enjoy eating them outside and if not...take it home, no biggie.

2. Catch a movie together. No...Seriously. The Bump sponsors a Bring Your Baby Matinee all over the country in various theaters. The lights are brighter and the volume is lower plus it's breastfeeding friendly and crying babies are welcomed. After the movie if baby is cooperating take a stroll together and talk...while burning off some of those popcorn calories.

3. Have a double-date night at home. Invite a few other couples and ask them to bring either their favorite dessert and/or wine and enjoy those tasty treats while competing against each other playing board games. I know what you're thinking...board games? Seriously? Yes my friends, I am serious because there are some new games on the market geared towards adults and aimed at ensuring a good time. Here are a few of my favs: Battle of the Sexes, Apples to Apples, What's yours like?, and Scene It?

4. Do a lot for a short time. Let me explain....first find out where a local flea market/jockey lot is and spend the morning looking at all the cool things for sale. Make it a challenge by only having ten bucks a piece and whoever finds the coolest item gets a day of no diaper changing duty or a ten minute foot massage. When that's done head over to a place where you can get food to-go and eat lunch at the park. Baby is sure to love the sunshine and you guys don't have to worry if she gets fussy. The last stop is to hit up the bowling alley and bowl one, maybe two games depending on baby's mood. Loser has to cook dinner

5. Discover your local art or history museum. Be sure to go mid-day and mid-week when there are bound to be some school groups. You wont feel bad if the little one starts fussing and you get to take in some culture together. If your munchkin is still in a good mood pop on over to your local paint-your-own pottery place and design your own works of art. They're usually small so nobody will mind if little one cries plus you can also do some cute pottery artwork with your little guy or girl like this if they're in the mood.

Well, there you go....5 date night ideas that are made for you guys and the baby. The main thing is to keep it relaxed, have fun, and never, ever, ever, never, ever, ever stop being romantic with each other.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fate Intervened

Fate Intervened

Meet Artemis.

While we were debating and mulling over the pros and cons our neighbor found a kitten. She was cold, skinny, and they are all allergic to cats. They wanted to find a loving home and not take her to the shelter, and when I saw her little face I couldn't turn her away.

Hubby and I both agreed that it was a pretty crazy coincidence that for the last few weeks we've been debating over a kitten and yesterday our neighbor finds one who needs a home. I think it was God sort of saying hey..calm down..I've got things taken care of and I love you, this little girl needs you as much as you need her, or at least that's what I like to think is happening.

Things have honestly been going really well. Munchkin and the kitten seem to get along, and munchkin even pets her a little, although I have to hold her hands and make sure she doesn't hurt the fur baby. Artemis likes to snuggle and get petted. We are watching them both like hawks and shutting the baby's bedroom door at night just to be safe ( we have a video monitor in her room which is INCREDIBLE by the way).

The first 24 hours have went well so far, and I have already fallen in love. I don't think my mom nor his is too happy on this one, but we are monitoring their every moves, and I think everything is going to be ok on this one.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Top 15 list of the BEST things you can do for a new mommy

Yay! Your friend had a baby, you visited her in the hospital and now they are home. You want to help her out and show her some love, but where do you start and what do you do? Well here ya go....

1. Pray for her
Pray in all the ways that you can think to pray for her. Pray for strength, guidance, confidence, patience, and wisdom. Pray for her and the little one. Remind her how God watched that little one in her womb for so long keeping it safe and he will continue to watch over the little one and her for now and forever.


2. Bring her Flowers
It doesn't matter if you get a beautiful arrangement like the one on the left or just a $ 5.99 bouquet from Walmart. Flowers make people feel loved, and special which that new mommy needs and deserves right now.

3. Clean
This one is tricky because it really depends on how well you know the mommy and how comfortable you are cleaning her home. If it's something that would be acceptable do it, don't ask. She will feel obligated to tell you no even though the dishes are piling up and there are three inches of dirt on the floor. Don't ask, just get the broom and do it.

4. Magazines or Books
If you know what she likes then definitely buy those, but throw in some parenting magazines too. She's a new mom, and she is about to have a ton of late night feedings where she could use something new to read and help her relax. If she isn't a magazine person and you know she has an e-reader go for the gift card so she can pick out a new book.

5. Food Gift Cards
I would not recommend cooking for her because 1. Your tastes might not be theirs 2. They might not want to re-heat and de-frost meals plus have them piling up in the freezer. 3. It's a tiny bit awkward to ask someone what they want you to cook for them. I would recommend getting a gift card to their favorite fast food place. They can always send someone out to get the food, and you know they will enjoy it. There are exceptions of course, but in my experience this it what works.

6. Little Things
If you're at the store and you're wanting to treat your new mommy friend just pick up some baby lotion or a nice cup of Starbucks ( if she is drinking coffee...some mommies don't while breastfeeding so make sure to check). Stick to things that you know she loves, and will use such as baby wipes, baby lotion, baby-safe sanitizing wipes, lotion for mom, soft socks, etc.

7. Don't forget about Dad
There's a whole ton of attention on the new baby and a lot on mom, but sometimes dad gets the short straw. New dads need cigars. There are only a few times in a man's life where his friends should get him cigars and this is one of the better reasons. Even if he doesn't smoke, no guy can ever turn down a celebration cigar with his buddies to congratulate him on his new baby...all else fails he can keep it as a memento.

8. Walk the dogs
Her new life is hard enough adjusting to all these new changes without having to worry about who is going to walk Fido. Take the dogs for a stroll, or give them a bath for her. If the dogs are barking like crazy and keeping the baby up, maybe offer to take the little guy ( the dog...not baby) for a few nights to let everyone get some rest.

9. Offer your time
Head over to her house and let her go take a nap, soak in a bath or heck...both! Make sure you respect her feelings with this...if she doesn't feel comfortable napping and leaving you with the baby let her paint her nails or browse pinterest while you hold the baby near her. Either way just make sure she knows you are here solely to give her some " me-time".

 10. Take out the siblings
If this isn't her first rodeo ask her if you can take the older kiddos out so she can bond with the new baby and catch up on some sleep. Depending on age you can take the little munchkins out to a zoo, museum, park, bowling alley or community pool to just name a few. To earn a million best friend points pick up a small treat for her like a cookie on your way back home.

 11. Be her friend
It's hard sometimes to remember that this is still your friend, and not just " a new mom". Head over to her house and talk, just simply talk. Try not to spend too much time fawning over the baby and ask HER how she is feeling and doing. Talk to her about anything she wants to talk about and really listen. Sometimes new mommies just need to vent, gossip about the newest celebrity news or maybe blather about the color of their baby's poop and they need their friend to listen.

12. Compliment her
Tell her she is beautiful even if she is in stained pajamas, and a shirt that you are fairly certain you can see her holey bra peeking through. Tell her she is beautiful because she is. She just gave another human being the gift of life so she is the most gorgeous, person in the whole world. End of story.

13. Offer to be her chauffeur
When she is comfortable going out, drive her around to run some errands and offer to stay in the car with the baby. Maybe offer to go visit some daycare centers if she wants to go that route or try out a new mommy group with her.


14. Give them a date
Give this one some time, but offer to watch the little one while they go eat out somewhere nice and take in a movie. If they feel uncomfortable suggest that you watch the baby at the house while they are home and let them watch a movie in their room alone or take the baby on a short stroll for some "mommy and daddy time".

15. Don't abandon her
It's easy to invite her to dinner with the girls and tell her it's totally fine to take the baby, but think of it her way. It's late, it's a nice place, and the baby can be fussy. Instead get the group to opt in for a brunch somewhere low-key, and close to the new mom's home. Talk about grown up things, and offer to hold the baby while she eats.

Monday, February 18, 2013

To Kitten or Not To Kitten?

Here's the deal: I want a kitten. There are a few concerns with this idea,and they are coming mainly from Hubby...he is concerned that the baby will start to crawl and will 1) Play in the litter box 2)Bother or try to eat the kitten's tail and the kitten will scratch her 3) the kitten will try to sleep with the baby and leave hair in the crib.

I grew up with cats, and I would love to have one in the house. I miss the purring and lounging, plus I think she would benefit from having a pet around. I also do have the concern of it scratching her though. I tried to do some research and as far as I can tell the internet is pretty divided on this one. One half is convinced a kitten will turn your baby into a Harvard grad, the other half is convinced that it will smother your baby in it's sleep while clawing it to death.

So, I am asking you...real mommas with real kittens who I trust. I trust you...not the kittens, obviously. Does it work out well? Do you have to watch them both like a hawk? Have your kittens ever scratched your babies? Did you corral the litter box? I want a kitten...not a cat. I have nothing against a cat, but I think a kitten would be better because it would grow with her and tolerate her a little more. So...if you have any help or opinions on this matter PLEASE, PLEASE let me hear it!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cravings Monster

Don't let the tasty pic fool you...these are pure trouble. 

Last night I could not shake a sweet tooth. I tried thinking about the bathing suit, reading a book, watching some t.v., taking a bath, and nothing worked. Munchkin was fast asleep, Hubby was playing Call Of Duty ( yea...I know) and I was fighting off an evil craving monster.

I started looking at Pinterest trying to get my mind off of it, and then I found This Recipe for canned biscuits, fried and turned into doughnuts. YES! I had canned biscuits and I now wanted a doughnut. I went into the kitchen as quietly as I could, but when I set the pot down on the oven it made a loud noise and Munchkin started yelling. Without realizing that I had the can of biscuits half unwrapped ( but not opened) still in my hand I went into her room to give her a paci and calm her down.

I put the paci in her mouth, and was trying to soothe her when the biscuits inexplicably popped open right her room like it was a friggen bottle of champagne. She started screaming, and I dropped the can which made another loud noise and Hubby came in looking at me like I suddenly grew three heads.

I finally got her calm and then realized that it was so dark I couldn't see the lost can of biscuits, and I had no idea where they went. So then I started creeping around her room, crawling on my hands and knees trying not to giggle like a maniac trying to find the stupid lost can, all while Hubby checked on the oil and made sure I didn't burn the house down.

Needless to say I found the can and then began frying them until they were golden brown and ready to eat. I was grinning like a crazy person rolling the fried dough in the cinnamon sugar mix. I also poured Hubby and I two big glasses of milk, and made some icing dipping sauce. We curled up on the bed, and took our first bites.....dough. They were not all.

I about threw the plate and Hubby then said he was running to the grocery store to ease the doughnut craving that I caused. I resolved to sit at the house with my sleeping Munchkin and wait on Hubby to return with the sweet, sweet taste of doughy goodness. Hubby returned......with sugar cookies, and said they were completely out of all the doughnuts.Well played bathing suit, well played....I officially gave up.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Live Your Best Life Challenge March Update!

Alright lovelies if you started your Oprah 's Live Your Best Life Challenge on the same day that I did mine then you have completed one month! Awesome, I really hope you did better than me. This past month was filled with a lot of work junk, some sickness, and Hubby leaving town so I barely had time to keep everything together much less do well on my challenge. I did stick with the Deep Breath, and Confidence badge so that's something, and I have earned a total of 427 points. The biggest thing to remember is that this is a positive experience. If you slip, or miss a few days it's OK because this is about bettering yourself, going at your speed, and doing this how you want.

I decided that each month I will add one new badge to my list of goals. I'm really happy about my main 7 goals, but I wanted to add something new to challenge myself. Here is how I'm doing so far with my badges:

1. Daily Reading
This one has been fairly easy to keep excluding the days that I fall asleep the second I crawl into bed.

2. Deep Breath
This one has been an easy one to remember to do, and I honestly do feel like it has made an improvement over my daily calmness

3. DeStress
This one is kind of tough. I'm still having a hard time letting it all go before I let it get to me, but all you can do is keep trying. This is a process.

4. Confidence
I like this one, and I feel like it's doing something really great for my self-esteem so I'm glad that I've been able to keep with it as easy as I have been.

5.  Workout at Home
This one is another toughie. It's not that the workout is's that I keep forgetting to do it. Maybe I need to leave myself post it notes.

6. PureJoy
I like doing this one, but it's another that I forget to do daily. I think it's a good one though because I really feel a lot happier and in an overall better mood when I do remember to do it. 

7. Yoga
This one is hard because yoga vs sleep...sleep always wins. I do plan on getting better about it in these next 30 days.

and the new one......

8. Forgiveness
I decided on this one because I deserve it, even though they might not. My challenge will be every time I climb into bed I will forgive one person. It may be as simple as a guy who didn't hold the door for me when I was juggling boxes, a woman who cut me off, or maybe a wound that has been open for far too long. The smaller ones will be easy, the bigger ones will not, but I deserve happiness and carrying a grudge and hurt isn't happiness and it isn't healthy. I want this year to be amazing and holding onto petty things isn't hurting anyone but me. I'm excited about this challenge, and I really hope I can truly let myself forgive. are you doing? What goals did you find easy and which ones did you find hard? Did you add any this month? I would LOVE to know how you are doing, and it's SOOOO not too late to start. Just head over to my first challenge post, and get familiar with the process then join's so simple! I really, truly hope you are accomplishing your goals for this year..we can do this!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love you guys!

Photo credit Here 

Well folks I got the stomach flu, I spent most of yesterday vomiting like a frat boy who had something to prove to his friends ( by drinking so much...I'm kind of still out of it so I wasn't sure if that illustration would make sense without explaining it...)

Is it sad that the whole time I was vomiting all that got me through was " at least this is helping with bathing suit season, at least this is helping with bathing suit season..."? It was pretty horrific, but thank God that Hubby was well enough to take care of munch and I was able to puke and black out all day. 

Alright, now that you're in the right mood for Valentine's Day with all this talk of throwing up.....
I really see Valentine's Day as an opportunity and an excuse to spread and share love with everyone, not just that one "special person". Today needs to be about hugging to those who need hugs, and giving kind words to those who you might not think to give them to, and less about chocolate and roses. 
Don't get me wrong...showing your significant other you care and value them is beautiful and necessary, but also try to take the time to share that love with others who might not otherwise get shown any love or caring. Never underestimate a kind word or simple loving gesture, it may be all the niceness that some people ever get to see.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day Expectations Then vs Now

Valentine's Day Expectations Then vs Now


Then: I hope he remembered to make reservations at  P.F. Changs, I can't wait for tonight!

Now: Did I remember to set the hamburger meat out? I did buy sloppy joe mix right? I feel like I'm forgetting something today.... 

I can't wait for my gift! I don't know how he's going to beat that tennis bracelet from last year!

I let you sleep in until nine now get out of the bed and help me change this screaming banshee's dirty diaper.

I wonder if I'll get flowers, I wonder what kind they'll be.

I wonder if she pooped....yep she pooped...I wonder what kind it'll be

Awww he left chocolates on my pillow!

Dear God I pray that's chocolate on the floor.....

Hmmmm what perfume should I wear?

Which shirt has the least amount of spit up on it?

Spend time thinking of fun bedroom ideas for that night.

Hey...doesn't the new season of Duck Dynasty come on tonight?

Wow he took the time to light candles in the room...

 He better have sprayed the air freshener in the bathroom before he left it or so help me....