
Friday, January 25, 2013


Alright, so I don't know if you guys are all officially aware or not, but I joined Twitter a few days ago. It's been neat figuring things out, and I haven't screwed anything major up so things are going pretty well with it. I had seven followers when I went to bed last night and when I woke up I had eight. That was pretty cool to being with, I'm so not going to lie I'm like a little kid with Christmas excitement when it comes to people joining me...whether that's my website, twitter, evil plots and schemes or for lunch. Joining me for lunch, not people for lunch...I feel like I should clarify that one.

I click on the names to see who it was and who do I see? THE FLIPPIN' BLOGGESS! I about fell out of my chair, and I wasn't even in a chair..THAT'S how excited I was people!!  I found The Bloggess after I had munchkin and she was the only source of humor that kept me going during those early morning, every two hour feedings. She is hilarious, honest, open and I flippin' love her. I have her book, Let's Pretend This Never Happened and I have re-read it over three times. She was the FIRST person I started following on twitter, she is just pure awesomeness and I was overly giddy with excitement when I saw that she was following me. I honestly don't think I could be this happy even if the Queen of England decided to follow me. Let's be honest what good advice or humor snippets could I get from the Queen? Nothing even close to this:

That's gold people. Gold. 


  1. WOW. I LURVE Jenny! She haz the AWESOMES. I TOLD YOU SO, you are wonderful and witty and funny and FANFRICKENTASTIC. Squishy hugs!!!!

    1. I love you!!! I so wanna be besties with you, and I'm pretty sure we would be unstoppable in the real world.
