
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Reading List Update

Well, I have been off work for a few days in a row and munchkin has been fairly cooperative so I got a lot of reading done this past week. Here is my updated list from my original Current Reading List Post:

First up: Matched by Ally Condie
I honestly didn't enjoy this book as much as I hoped I would. The story itself is so similar to other dystopian books that I felt myself constantly comparing them and this one wasn't as great. The love triangle wasn't that interesting, it was apparent after a few chapters who she was going to want and the other guy ended up being almost non-existent therefore taking away the love triangle altogether. I also didn't really like the main character Cassia...I felt at times she was a little annoying which is rare of me to say for a character. The ending was a little interesting though,and with all that said I'll probably still buy the next book in the series: Crossed just to see where she takes the story and if it becomes more interesting.

Second: Divergent by Veronica Roth
This book was the other dystopian book that was centered around virtues. I liked the concept, and I thought it was fairly original though there were a few times when it reminded me of certain other books. The main character Beatrice is likable and you find yourself figuring things out with her. There is a small love plot in the story which is interesting enough but as the story goes on you slowly find yourself becoming more and more wrapped up in her world. The end was awesome. In fact the end was so great that I went ahead and bought the second book in the series which brings us to....

Third: Insurgent by Veronica Roth ( Divergent Series # 2)
This book was amazing. I fell more in love with the series as I read this book. There are so many twists and turns that I had a hard time putting it down. Beatrice becomes so much more of a powerful character that you instantly are cheering for her, and when hear heart breaks yours does too. You start to get more involved in this world and all of the traits that rule it. It also brings up a few questions concerning people and how we view ourselves and relate with others. The ending was so unbelievable that almost the instant I finished the book I got online to Veronica Roth's Website to find out when the next book will be available ( sadly not until fall 2013). Amazon also has a mini video preview of the book and its pretty cool to watch before you read. I don't know if they plan on making this into a movie but seriously...they should.

Fourth: Betrayal ( Descendants #1) by Mayandree Michel
This was a .99 cent book that I saw while browsing books related to Percy Jackson. This book surprised me with how much I liked it. I love anything to do with greek or roman mythology so as the story went on I started to fall more and more in love with it. The characters were interesting and I really liked the main character Cordelia.You start to piece her world together as she does plus it goes through some twists and turns.When the end comes it completely knocks your socks off. The love plot that comes out at the end was enough to make me buy the second book....

Fifth: Sacrifice ( The Descendants #2) by Mayandree Michel
This one was .99 cents just like the former, and I have never hated a book this much. It frustrated me how she made such an amazing first book with these complex characters and then turn them into boring one-dimensional people who just repeat the same things over and over. The love story was pretty much given away within the first few chapters and it went downhill from there. The editing was absolutely horrid, and it honestly felt like she was pressured to get a second book out there so she just threw this one together. I was really, really unhappy with it.

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