
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Chicken and Waffles, Superstitions, and Teenage Cats

 Just a few things on my mind.......

Dine Delish Photo

1. Chicken and waffles. Alright, I'll be the first to admit that I was a big skeptic when it came to how good this meal was, but Hubby and I decided to try it one night and I fell in love. The combination of the crispy, salty chicken and the sweet, bready waffle is just amazing. The only problem is that I feel like the whole time I'm eating them that I'm eating it wrong. I take a bite of waffle, then the next bite is of the chicken with honey mustard. Hubby eats the chicken with the same bite of the waffle, but I don't think you get a good flavor that way. I need a chicken and waffle expert to show me how to eat it. Maybe I should call Pawn Stars because they have an expert for everything, I'm sure they have a food one too.    Maybe I should post this on some sort of Food Network message board. Knowing some of the snobby cooks on there though I think my question would be mocked for all of eternity, but it's a valid one by gosh! Where's Paula Deen when you need her?

2.  Speaking of questions, have you guys ever heard that when a lightening storm is in the area you shouldn't take baths because lightening can strike the pipes and electrocute (thus kill) you? I'm from the South so of course my mom was on top off all things (even though they might have been just superstitions ) that could possibly harm her brood...I get it honest people. I told Hubby this and he laughed at me for a whole day, but then two of our friends came over and they too had a mom who wouldn't let them shower in a storm for this very same reason. I could probably Google this and find out if it's true, but I think it's more fun to poll you guys and see if either Hubby or I is right. We;re cajun so really I'm not surprised that other people had never heard of some of the things that I religiously live by.

3. I call shopping carts "buggies" and apparently that is only a southern thing. A lovely couple from New York was visiting the store and when I said " all of our buggies are outside" they literally laughed for ten minutes straight. First I was like it's ok, they're laughing at our differences, then after the seven minute mark I was more like...nope...laughing at you actually.

4. My cat is going through her "teenager" phase. It seemed like only yesterday she was so small and loving, and now all she does is run through the house clawing and climbing things. I will get home and sit on the couch expecting her to cuddle to me, instead she jumps (out of friggen nowhere) on me, claws me, then takes off running. What the heck?!? When did this happen? It doesn't make me look forward to Munchkin's teenage years I assure you. The bad thing about a cat is you can't distract some of that hormonal runaway train with a new pair of shoes or a trip somewhere.

Alright, got those things off my chest. Feeling much better now. Some people have unsolvable questions about the universe...mine is about chicken and waffles....diversity makes the world go around people.


  1. Tell Hubby that i asked a home builder this question and it has to do with if your house is not properly grounded and alot of the older homes and apartment's were actually grounded to the main wather line...Crazy but True...Now tell Hubby that this Cajun Mom alway's know's alot of the tubs were Cast Iron.....He can laugh all he are safe and so will baby girl ya....

    1. Seeee.....there is proof in it! I knew we all weren't crazy...or at least not about the showering thing.

  2. About the cat, sounds like she needs more outlet for energy... which means either toys and attention or... brace yourself... another cat! Actually, two kittens is FAR less work than one, as they keep each other occupied and burn off all that extra energy. Keeping a water squirt bottle handy for jumping on the counter and whatnot along with much clapping and very firm "mommy voice" NO!!! When acting out like a crack-addled squirrel really helps too. I'm Canadian, so I can't help you with the chicken and waffle thing, though the Hubster swears by them. I just don't get it. Nothin doing on the cart vs buggy debate either, and I'd never heard that about the lightening in the tub thing, though Deena's explanation makes sense to me!

    1. HAHAHAHA I told Hubby about getting another kitten and he was like "". LOL I might try adding a few toys in and putting them in a rotation. Ps- Crack-addled squirrel is my new favorite thing to say!!

  3. Never. Ever. Bathe. in a lightning storm. Never. Ever. Seriously. And chicken and waffles...sorry, just can't get on board with it. Yikes. Nope. And definitely not combo bites of both. My goosebumps have goosebumps.

    1. HA! Another person for the lightening thing! Pretty happy I'm not alone on this one, it makes me feel less like a superstitious cajun voodoo woman....just a bit less though.....
