
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Restorative Ylang Ylang

Lately things have been mildly chaotic. Within the past month we have gotten a new kitten, taken our first ever overnight hotel stay with Munchkin, started planning and preparing our Thanksgiving vacation, fixed Munchkin's sleep schedules, went trick-or-treating for the first time, threw our first Halloween party, un-done Munchkin's sleep schedule, fought off sickness,started planning my SodaStream Houseparty, took up an exercising routine, had six little puppies born, Munchkin destroyed a cell phone, computer got a virus, and planned for two birthdays. It's been a little crazy.

I'm sure you guys have all been there and I bet there are some of y'all out there who read that and prayed their month had been so easy. The point is that I was getting ran down. I felt like Hubby and I haven't had any time to catch up and be together, that I was constantly chasing after a little tornado that is threatening to take down my house one day at a time plus seven new little additions. I was getting a little frazzled, stressed, and just not feeling like myself. That went on for about three or fours days when finally last night I had Munchkin in bed at a decent hour and decided to take a nice long, warm bath ( which I haven't gotten the chance to do in WEEKS)

So I got the water running, and thought " Hey...I'll put some essential oils in" but I didn't want Lavender like I normally put in, I wanted something new so I dug through my little bottles and AH HA! Ylang Ylang.
 I ordered Ylang Ylang because it was hailed as an Anti-depressant, Sedative, and even Aphrodisiac..hello! It has a rich, floral aroma and when applied topically it balances the skin and relieves nervous tension, exactly what I was needing.

I put two drops into the warm, running water and the scent immediately relaxed me. It was like I was in a warm little cocoon of peace. I was taking deeper breaths, and leaning forward to stretch my back and relax deeper, it was Heaven you guys!

I don't want to go into detail, but this stuff was like a calming, aligning, stella got her groove back sort of magic oil in the tub if you know what I'm saying. It's amazing.

Fun Facts:

Ylang Ylang is actually a floral fragrance that has been used by romantics for centuries.

It has been an ancient tradition in Indonesia to place Ylang Ylang Petals across the bed of newlyweds.

Simply SMELLING Ylang Ylang is supposed to help blood pressure.

 Spark Natural's 100% pure, high quality Ylang Ylang is only $11.11! Plus you can use 
coupon code " Bubble" to receive 10% off your order!
So do yourself a favor and try this out, you will not regret it.

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