
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Admittance Is The First Step

I realized ( as I was scrolling through another page after page of Sherlock memes ) that I might have a problem. I might be a little...tad bit.....obsessive. The only problem to my problem is that it's not just one thing. I've discovered that if I find something that is worthy enough to capture my attention I immediately fall in love. Not in a good way either. I go instant stalker and immediately launch into creepy climbing in your windows and watching you sleep sort of obsessing.

I mostly keep the weirdness to myself in public ( excluding Facebook, where I have graduated from Hogwarts, am from District 4, and work at the Dauntless compound) but privately and in my mind I am obsessing 24/7 over the latest, well...obsession.

Here are a few of my latest:


Normal People: 
Let's try to grow some tomatoes or maybe cucumbers this year, wouldn't that be fun?

* calculates how much we would need to plant and garden to sustain our family in produce for a year* Go big or go home right babe? Oh hey I also pinned like twenty raised bed gardening ideas and tips. Oooohh I need these monogrammed gloves. Do these overalls make me look fat? Don't answer that...

Essential Oils

Normal People: 
Yea, they're really great. It's nice to explore healthier medicinal options.

OH.MY.GOD. you guys! Have you smelled this one? What about this one? have a cold...hold on let me go get my bottles. Hey hon will you go grab those six essential oil books from the car I picked up today? Ooohhh another blend to add to my EO board. Hey babe..I need a binder I'm going to make my own EO recipe and ailment book. We NEED a diffuser!

New TV Shows

Normal People: 
Oh yeah, I like that show. It's pretty good, we try to catch it when it comes on.

I'm putting Once Upon A Time's opening song as my ringtone. I just downloaded all of the songs from The Originals...score! My fantasy football team's name is The Dowager's Defeatists...which was almost Touchdownton Abbey. Sherlock, Sherlock, Sherlock. What do you mean it would be weird to put 221 b on our house door? Do you think I have a doppelganger?

New Books 

Normal People: 
It's such a good book, I'll loan it to you I think you'll like it.

What do you mean you want to borrow my baby? OH MY GOSH did you read the latest Mortal Instruments book? Which faction are you? Hey there's no shame in admitting Hufflepuff. I LOVE Veronica Roth......I HATE Veronica Roth. Have you read that one? My tastes are......eclectic. Oooohhhh is that a new bookstore?

My Keurig

Normal People:
Yeah, I'd recommend it. Makes some great coffee.

I've already pinned a thousand coffee recipes featuring a keurig. YAY! Everyone got me K-Cups and syrup for Christmas!!! Ooohhh I need a carousel. Hey sweet mug....You can pay me in coffee. No I haven't opened it yet I wanted to finish watching these instructions, and care videos on Youtube first. I've already read through all the coffee varieties available and their notes...I've circled the ones I might be interested in.

I might need help people...

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