
Monday, September 22, 2014

Bliss Calming Blend

I mentioned in an earlier post how much I loved Fall, and how typically Fall doesn't love me back. Alright so that might technically not be true, I mean Fall might love me every bit as much as I love it, it's just that darn life tends to be jealous of what we have and makes things all chaotic for us to be together. It's sort of like Romeo and Juliette but with pumpkin pie spice lattes instead of murder and whatnot.

Anyways, I wrote about ways to relax and re-focus during this sometimes stressful time and I kid you was like " LOL give me one second...." and everything kinda got turned upside down on my end. Literally everything that could go wrong, and might go crazy did as if my blog post had been a challenge. It has literally been one of the most craziest weeks of my life, and that is saying something people. I can't go into specifics at the moment, but you just keep this post in the back of your mind and when I can share everything you're going to agree with me. 

So imagine all of that going on and then finding out that Spark Naturals is having a sale on Bliss Calming Blend. It's like a sign from Heaven you guys. I LOVE Bliss. It's my go-to oil when the Munchkin is fussy, when I can't sleep, when I can't calm down, when the dog is going crazy, basically anytime that things are getting to be a little too much. 

Bliss Calming Blend contains Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood and Vanilla. Bliss Calming Blend can be used aromatically or topically (dilute for younger skin).  What makes these oils so great? Let's check it out: 

1) Vanilla Essential Oil  
- Antioxidant: protects the body from free radicals, wear and tear. 
- Antidepressant: fights off sadness and depression while promoting happy feelings. 
- Sedative: removes anger, annoyance and promotes a soothed, calm feeling.
- Relaxing: calming, fights off anger and anxiety. 
- Tranquilizing: helps the body and mind relax and calm down. 

- Sedative: calming affect on both the mind and the body
- Analgestic: pain killing properties that calm emotions

- Antidepressant: fights off sadness and depression while promoting happy feelings. 
- Sedative: removes anger, annoyance and promotes a soothed, calm feeling.
- Analgestic: pain killing properties that calm emotions

4. Lavender
- Analgestic: pain killing properties that calm emotions
- Antidepressant: fights off sadness and depression while promoting happy feelings.
- Sedative: calming affect on both the mind and the body
- Calmative: has a sedative, calming affect on mind and body.

5. Ylang Ylang
- Antidepressant: fights off sadness and depression while promoting happy feelings.
- Hypotensive: lowers blood pressure, promotes calmness
- Nervine: calms nerves, eases anxiousness
- Sedative: calming affect on both the mind and the body

6. Sandalwood
- Antidepressant: fights off sadness and depression while promoting happy feelings.
- Sedative: calming affect on both the mind and the body

As you can see there are a lot of calming, balancing, relaxing essential oils in this blend. Now you know why I like using this bottle of calm the heck down lol. Now you know why, here's the how:

My Top Favorite Ways To Use Bliss

1. Take 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and add 1 drop of Bliss Calming Blend then rub the mixture onto the bottom of Munchin's feet right before bedtime. A calm toddler is a happy toddler...and a happy house.

2. Add one drop of Bliss Calming Blend to Munchin's bath. This is the BEST when she's been super fussy and just having an overall bad day. The scent fills the bathtub and we all get to soak up the benefits.

3. Add 1-2 drops of Bliss Calming Blend in the diffuser (or a pot of warm water on the stove) to calm the whole down. This is especially useful when things are super chaotic and crazy. Start diffusing in the morning to avoid meltdowns in the afternoon.

4. Worried about a presentation at work? Put 1-2 drops of Bliss Calming Blend on a tissue or small piece of felt and attach it on or near your car vents. Your commute will be stress free!

5. Add a drop of Bliss Calming Blend to your pillow before bed, you'll sleep like a baby! I like doing this on laundry day, there's nothing better than knowing your sheets are clean, fresh, and have the added bonus of a blend ready to lull you into a deep slumber.

6. Add some water to a Spray Bottle and add a drop of Bliss Calming Blend to it. Shake it up and spray the mixture lightly onto the baby's car seat (check manufacture guidelines to see if yours can get wet). It dries quickly and leaves a light, calming scent. This little trick is also great for dog beds and dog carriers, your panicking pooch'll be a little more manageable.

7. Rub a drop of Bliss Calming Blend onto the bottoms of your own feet before bedtime for a peaceful, relaxing slumber or in the morning to start your day off stress-free.

So those are some of my favorite ways to use this awesome blend, what's yours? 


Remember guys you can also use coupon code " Bubble
to save 10% off your whole order

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