
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My fall five.

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year (with winter being a close second because winter clothes hide some extra baggage you know what I'm saying?). There's just not much that can top crisp air, crunchy, jewel colored leaves on the ground, football season, and of course..pumpkin flavored everything!

When I always think of Fall I like to imagine myself sitting on my porch in the early hours of the morning, sipping coffee before the baby wakes up and finding my soul at peace with the world while little squirrels chase each other around the yard. Sadly however, that is not the case. Instead I usually wake up to an alarm clock that sounds like a banshee, then it's to the new puppy's crate to let him out asap, then it's a brief shower, and hustling to complete the huge to-do list I have. Any interaction with squirrels limited to me yelling at them to get out of the way while I'm driving of course.

Fall just seems to be SO busy for us. We've got birthdays, weddings, doctor appointments, work schedule issues, car maintenance due, car taxes due, insurance openings, two separate trips around the state (and counting) among everything with Perfectly Posh and Spark Naturals and this blog. Needless to say things can get a bit stressful.

SO I decided to come up with a list of things that I've found
 helps me relax, center myself, and truly
remind me why I love this season. Here we go:

1. Put on a centering Fall blend 
of essential oils in your diffuser
( or pot of water on the stove over low heat
 or in your crock pot...whatevs)

1 Drop of Cedarwood Essential Oil
2 Drops of Wild Orange Essential Oil

Cedarwood is known to help with anxiety and in the bible it was used as a spiritual oil to purify, and naturally lift the soul in prayer.
Wild Orange is known to help alleviate stress and used to promote good feelings and emotional balance.


2. Treat yourself to an anti-aging, fall-tastic face mask 
( say THAT five times fast ) 

3 teaspoons of Organic Canned Pumpkin Puree
1/2 teaspoon of Honey
1/4 teaspoon of milk

Combine the mixture and apply to face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.
Did you know pumpkin has alpha hydroxy acids in it? AKA: the most common ingredient in anti-wrinkle cream. It removes dead skin cells while regenerating healthy skin underneath. Pumpkin is also loaded with Vitamins A and C which help with skin elasticity and elastin production.


3. Treat yourself to a pumpkin pie spiced coffee! 
( No starbucks required!) 
Simply add 1/4 teaspoon Pumpkin Pie Spice seasoning with a dash of cinnamon and you're all set. Make sure to mix the seasonings after you brew the coffee and add it slowly so you don't reach the end and get a mouth full of chunky seasonings. Blech ( though there are worse things in life I suppose). 


4. Cuddle up and make time for a Fall themed book.
There's something magical about reading about Fall
 while experiencing the first few tendrils of the season. 
Two quick recommendations from me: 

High Country Fall by Margaret Maron
This is a mystery book in a series and I promise you will fall in love with this author!
Sookie Stackhouse Books by Charlaine Harris
This might be a bit more Halloween (vampires, etc) but if you're anything like me there is never a bad time for one these books.


5. Go jump in a lake
( Just kidding, I meant go take a bath...
just seeing if you were paying attention) 
Sometimes there's nothing that can do more for the soul 
like a nice warm bath. These are some of my bath time picks: 

Wanderlust Bubble Bar (Lavender, Ylang Ylang, and Cedar Wood essential oils in a bath bar)
Brazilian Bombshell Bath Salts ( Exotic jungle fruits and sugar cane)
Witch Be Gone Bath Salts ( A mix of Gardenia, Jasmine, Licorice,Wood, Vanilla, and Almond)

Alright well those are some of my favorites, what are some of yours? Please post in the comments and pinning is love. Also if you're using Spark Naturals for your essential oil needs make sure to use coupon code " Bubble " to save 10% off your order! Woohoo!

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